I enjoyed watching your Hollywood Black series. I definitely made a list of films to check out afterwards.

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Great read! And welcome to the Substack joy.

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Thanks for sharing all this. I'm embarking on my first documentary, much less ambitious but I can relate to the it takes a village vibe. My documentary is about the personal stories of activists and the support only a few weeks into it has been amazing. Congratulations on your tremendous accomplishments. I look forward to hearing more from you.

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Thank you for this—I learned things! Ever thought of making a historical film about subversive minstrelsy?

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Excellent read — definitely picked up a few tools and renewed my appreciation for footnotes. Will be watching HOLLYWOOD BLACK this weekend! Excited to read more.

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I like the melange of scholarship and aesthetics in your newsletter. I love learning from you and also what a great way for you to curate for us some of your important messages. I am terribly fond of the footnotes. Long live footnotes!

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You really laid out a perfect and succinct parallel between the theoretical arguments you make about black performance throughout history in your documentary with both Kendrick’s half time show and the world at large. As always I feel lucky to be not just your friend but your reader. I can’t wait to see more!

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it's really great how Justin connects his historiography with the contemporary (e.g., Kendrick's halftime).

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